How to choose the right type of care for your child: daycare, nanny or family?

How to choose the right type of care for your child: daycare, nanny or family?

With the number of choices concerning the different childcare methods, it is not easy to make a choice, especially when you have absolutely no reference or any idea. Faced with all these alternatives, it is sometimes difficult to make a decision about custody of your child. Indeed, this step is crucial and your choice should depend on your needs, but also on your budget and your expectations. 

Whatever the case, know that this type of choice is not to be taken lightly and must be chosen early, even from the start of the pregnancy to ensure that everything will go well. In this article, we will look at the different advantages and disadvantages of each option. Let's go !

The nanny/nanny at home

Hiring a nanny at home offers families a practical and personalized solution for caring for their children, without the constraints of travel. This option makes it easier for parents to reconcile their professional and family lives. The presence of the nanny in the home guarantees individualized attention to children, thus promoting their development in a familiar environment where they feel comfortable and safe. In addition, flexible schedules make it easier for families to organize their daily lives.

There is a distinction between a "nanny" and a "nanny": the term "nanny" is often used to refer to someone primarily caring for infants and very young children, while "nanny" refers to someone caring for older children, such as those in primary school.

However, this option comes with some challenges. For some families, agreeing to let an unknown person care for their child at home can be an important challenge emotional. This requires much more time to establish a relationship of trust between the two parties and especially the child in question. Additionally, parents taking on the role of employers must handle various administrative aspects such as drafting an employment contract, paying the nanny's salary and handling the necessary paperwork.

Despite this, many families find that hiring a live-in nanny is a good solution that meets their specific needs. It not only allows them to guarantee suitable care for their children in a familiar setting, but also to benefit from time flexibility that corresponds to their lifestyle.

Shared custody

Shared care with a nanny offers an alternative where your child is cared for at home with children from another family. 

Whether you opt for a live-in nanny or shared care, the advantages and challenges are almost the same. Your child benefits from personalized attention in a familiar setting, whether alone or in the company of other children. 

Additionally, these options can be tax-efficient, with the ability to deduct a portion of childcare expenses from your taxes. However, hiring a nanny represents a significant financial investment, although some expenses can be deducted. 

As the nanny's employer, you must also take care of administrative aspects, such as drafting contracts and managing salaries. Finally, if you choose shared custody, it is crucial to establish good understanding with the other family to ensure a harmonious environment for all the children involved.

Whether through a nanny at home or through shared care, you offer your child personalized care and may present tax advantages.

Family nurseries

The family nurseries, also known as a “family reception service”, is an option offered by public or private establishments. It employs a Director qualified in childcare or early childhood education, as well as a referring doctor and approved childminders. These professionals welcome up to four children aged two and a half months to four years in their own home. 

On a regular basis, once or twice a week, they bring the children in their care to participate in educational activities organized within the family nursery, thus promoting their socialization with other children.

A significant advantage of this type of care is that parents are not considered direct employers. They pay their reception costs to the family nurserie structure, which then takes care of paying the childminder. This approach relieves parents of the administrative management linked to the employment of a childminder. 

In addition, the family nurseries offers the advantages of collective nurseries in terms of cost and qualified staff, while ensuring a more restricted environment and therefore more conducive to individualized support for each child.

However, access to this type of care can be very limited. Places available in family daycare are often scarce, making it difficult for many families to gain admission. This represents a real challenge for parents who wish to benefit from this specific childcare model for their children.

Private nurseries

Municipal, private, micro-nurseries or inter-company are very popular with employed parents looking for a reliable solution for the care of their children. These establishments represent an ideal option to allow your child to flourish within a structured collective environment.

Whether it is a municipal nursery managed by the municipality, a private nursery, a micro-nursery offering a more personalized welcome facilitating access to employees of the same company, all these structures operate on similar principles, although some specificities may vary. They are particularly sought after by parents because of the many advantages they offer. 

In a nursery, your child discovers life in a community, benefiting from socialization with other children while being supervised by qualified early childhood professionals. The facilities and activities are designed to stimulate awareness and promote well-being.

In addition, daycare centers often offer prices adapted to family income, making this type of care more financially accessible. In addition, applying for a place in a nursery can give you rights to financial aid such as the family tax credit, which constitutes additional support for parents.

This option represents a complete and sought-after solution for active parents, offering a secure environment for the development of their children.

The parental nursery

The parental nursery is an alternative managed by the parents themselves, in accordance with the same rigorous operating and safety standards as those of municipal nursery.

This particular model of nursery is administered by a parents' association and supervised by qualified staff. It offers parents the opportunity to become actively involved in the life of the nursery, which can enable them to spend more time with their children while they are at the nursery. However, this parental involvement requires an investment of time and energy, which can be a worry for parents who work full time.


Daycare is an option offered by municipal or private structures, supervised by qualified staff, and designed especially for children where one parent does not work or works part-time. It welcomes children aged up to 3 or 6 years for a few hours or half days.

This childcare service represents a practical solution for parents who do not need full-time care for their children due to their part-time job or non-working situation. It allows children to benefit from a stimulating and secure environment, supervised by professionals trained in early childhood.

However, access to daycare may be limited due to demand often exceeding available supply. Places are therefore precious and can be difficult to obtain. Additionally, opening and closing times are generally strict, which can be difficult for parents who have work or personal commitments to keep.

Kindergarten for young children under 6 years old

The kindergarten welcomes children aged 4 to 6 years old under the direction of an early childhood educator, accompanied by a team including nurses, childcare assistants and service agents.

This type of care is designed for children who have reached the age where they are no longer cared for in a nursery. It provides a gradual transition between early childcare experiences, such as daycare, nanny or childminder, and entry into nursery school. 

However, for your child to adapt and continue to thrive with complete peace of mind, he must have developed a certain level of autonomy. This alternative is therefore not made for all young children.

The pairing

The au pair solution offers the possibility for a young girl, often from another country, to look after your children in exchange for accommodation, food and remuneration. This allows your child not only to benefit from personalized attention, but also to learn a new language and discover another culture.

Hiring an au pair enriches family life by making it easier to learn a foreign language on a daily basis. It is an attractive option for parents who value their children's language education. However, it is essential to note that the au pair lives in your household and shares your daily life. As an employer, you are responsible for drafting their employment contract and managing the administrative aspects related to their employment.

To ensure the safety and well-being of your child, it is crucial to begin exploring your child care options before arrival at the maternity ward, ideally from the third trimester of pregnancy. The choice of childcare method will depend on your preferences, your needs, your financial situation as well as the age of your child at the time you need care.


Nurseries are particularly suited to working parents, offering flexibility, reasonable prices and facilities designed to support children's development and fulfillment. It is therefore advisable to research the options available near you, talk to professionals in the field and visit the establishments to discover all the possibilities available to you. Making this decision in an informed manner therefore requires early planning.

It is essential to keep in mind that each family has unique needs, and so it is important to find the child care option that best fits your specific circumstances. By making your choices as soon as possible, you ensure that you make a thoughtful decision that will meet the needs of your child and allow you to best reconcile professional and family life.