How to promote self-esteem in children: building strong self-confidence from an early age

How to promote self-esteem in children: building strong self-confidence from an early age

Self-confidence is an attitude that we absolutely must have in the development of our young children. This self-esteem is the engine that fuels their imaginations, their dreams and everything that is important to them. Therefore, it is important to cultivate this essential point of personality in a young child, because it will influence the way in which little ones perceive the world and what surrounds them.

What is self-esteem itself?

Recognizing one's own value is the first step in developing what we can call confidence or self-esteem, and as parents, we are best placed to guide our child through the different stages of their life.

Why is it so important for our children to have good self-esteem? 

Well, self-confidence plays a vital role in their emotional management, social and cognitive. It influences their ability to make choices, face challenges, interact with others and adapt to different situations. Strong self-confidence is a valuable asset that will accompany them throughout their lives.

Self-confidence shapes the way our children see themselves and the world around them. She encourages them to explore new things, like musicality for example, learning to connect with others and build healthy relationships. When our little ones have confidence in themselves, they are more likely to face challenges with courage, to persevere in the face of difficulties and to develop a positive identity.

The importance of self-esteem 

Self-esteem is essential to succeed in life! When a young person lacks self-confidence, it can really hinder their personal development. Even if they have potential, some young people struggle to succeed because they doubt themselves. Doubt, fear of failure and feelings of insecurity prevent them from taking risks and moving forward; it is as if they were hampered by balls at their feet. These negative thoughts create a sort of inner prison, sometimes so suffocating that the individual loses all motivation to act, convinced that he will fail whatever he does.

Low self-esteem can have many consequences, such as learning difficulties, socialization problems, excessive dependence and lack of autonomy. It can also lead to distrust of others, difficulty making decisions, increased stress, and even self-destructive behaviors such as addictions. Even if for Play outdoors, your child may not succeed if he does not have confidence in himself!

Conversely, good self-esteem allows young people to move forward in life, take on challenges and manage stress effectively. Self-confidence is often crucial to succeed in your projects.

There are several factors that can harm the development of self-esteem in a young person, such as comparison with others, overprotection, negative judgments or unrealistic expectations from adults.

Fortunately, there are several ways to strengthen a young person's self-esteem, such as recognizing and encouraging their strengths, fostering their autonomy and showing them confidence, helping them learn from their mistakes, and above all, showing them unconditional acceptance and affection.

How to recognize a child who lacks self-confidence? 

It is crucial to be on the lookout for certain signs. For example, if he avoids doing things alone, if he often asks for help or if he expresses doubts about his own abilities, these are indicators to take seriously into consideration.

Of course ! Fostering self-confidence in our children is an essential challenge of parenting. Here are some concrete ideas to achieve this:

  • Offer stability in the schedule

Establishing a regular routine gives our children a sense of security. When they know what to expect each day, they feel more in control and confident to face challenges.

  • Answer questions truthfully

Answering our children's questions honestly strengthens the confidence they have in us and in themselves. This shows that their thoughts and questions are important and valid.

  • Encourage learning and celebrate success

Encouraging our children to learn new things and celebrating their successes, even the smallest ones, is crucial. This shows them that they are capable of accomplishing things and boosts their self-esteem.

  • Be reliable and respect commitments

It is important to keep our promises to our children. This helps them feel secure and trust others. Honoring our commitments also sets an example of open and honest communication.

  • Recognize the signs of self-confidence

Self-confidence can show itself in different ways in children, such as their desire to complete tasks alone or their pride in sharing their successes. Encouraging these positive behaviors builds their confidence.

  • Working on our own confidence

As parents, we influence our children enormously. Working on our own self-confidence can have a positive impact on their self-esteem. Being a role model of confidence and resilience is one of the best gifts we can give them.

By following these tips, we can help our children develop strong and lasting self-confidence. Every little bit counts to give them the tools they need to succeed in life and overcome the challenges that come their way. You can also get more tips with books for children learning Self-confidence.

The development of self-esteem

Self-esteem begins to form at a young age and continues to evolve throughout life. Parents play a crucial role in this process by profoundly influencing the child's perception of himself. Likewise, teachers and other significant figures in a child's life have a significant impact on their personal development. These adults act like mirrors for the child, reflecting his image and thus influencing his own perception. When children receive positive messages about their abilities and qualities, they are more likely to develop healthy self-esteem and robust self-confidence.

As children become adults, they become more capable of filtering and interpreting the perceptions of others with discernment. However, the mirror effect persists throughout life. It is therefore crucial to learn to filter the information received so as not to compromise your self-image.

Have you heard of the estimometer? 

It’s an interesting concept that illustrates how our self-esteem fluctuates based on the positive and negative perceptions we integrate through our own personal mirror. 

Think of it as a dynamic device in our minds, constantly adjusted by what we perceive about ourselves and others. If we don't filter out negative influences effectively, they can cancel out the positive aspects, leaving us feeling unwell and worthless. This is why it is crucial to regularly nourish our self-esteem with positive influences to maintain our emotional balance.

To assess where your child is on the self-esteem scale, we suggest you answer the following questionnaire:

  1. When your child talks about himself, does he talk more about what he finds difficult, what he can't do, or what he thinks are his faults, rather than what he is good at doing, his strengths and his qualities? Answer yes or no.
  2. When your child receives a compliment or does something good, does he tend to minimize or neutralize the positive aspects by talking about his limitations, weaknesses and faults? Answer yes or no.
  3. Does your child often belittle himself, perceiving himself negatively, as not being intelligent, etc.? ? Answer yes or no.
  4. Does your child seem to lack autonomy and have little self-confidence? Even for the easy things in life like eating or playing games educational games ? Answer yes or no.
  5. Does your child frequently compare himself to others and often rate himself lower than his peers? Answer yes or no.
  6. Is your child afraid of new things, has difficulty adapting or is he shy? Answer yes or no.
  7. Faced with difficulties, does your child often react negatively, does he fear failure or disappointment from those close to him? Answer yes or no.
  8. Does your child perceive that his parents, friends or significant others do not accept him as he is? Answer yes or no.
  9. Is your child often negative and defeatist? Answer yes or no.
  10. Does your child have unrealistic expectations of himself, overestimating his abilities and ignoring his limitations? Answer yes or no.

Based on your answers, if you checked "yes" several times, it is likely that your child has low self-esteem, requiring special attention to strengthen this aspect of his personality. If the majority of your answers are "no", continue to encourage and positively reinforce his already strong self-esteem. 

Questions 11 to 15 inclusive address behaviors that may indicate an overvaluation of self-esteem, sometimes masking real fragility. It is important to pay attention to these nuances to help your child develop a balanced and authentic self-esteem.